Awards + Recognition

Celebrating the Advertising Industry

The AAF takes pride in celebrating our industry and the outstanding professionals in it.


American Advertising Awards

Formerly named the Louie Awards, the American Advertising Awards is the American Advertising Federation – Louisville’s premier creative competition. Winning an ADDY is the first step in the three-tiered American Advertising Awards process. The American Advertising Awards is the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition that recognizes the creative spirit of excellence in the art of advertising.

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Silver Medal Award

The American Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award program recognizes men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. This award is not necessarily given every year. During the year when it is given, it is traditionally awarded on the night of the American Advertising Awards Gala for maximum recognition among peers. Call (502) 895-2500 for an application.

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Hot 10 Awards

AAF-Louisville, in conjunction with Ad 2 Louisville, wants to recognize hardworking young people who are making a difference in their jobs, in the city and in the lives of others. The AAF-Louisville Hot 10 Awards is a way of showing that young people in the advertising and marketing profession make important contributions to the economic, social and cultural landscape of Louisville. Nominations are accepted through mid-May and winners are announced at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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AAF-Louisville Education Foundation Scholarships

Each year, AAF-Louisville awards two $2,500 scholarships for students pursuing careers in an advertising-related field, with one specifically dedicated to minority students. The Bud Ballard and Diversity scholarships are supported by an endowment fund established several years ago, and are sustained through continued fundraising and donations. Winners are announced at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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The Betty Stoner Award

The Betty Stoner Award replaced the one-year member service awards in June 2000, which were given to any number of individuals who performed extraordinary volunteer work for the Advertising Federation of Louisville in the immediate club year. The Betty Stoner Award is named after the first recipient, Betty Stoner, an AAF-Louisville Life Member and volunteer, and was first given at the AAF-Louisville Annual Meeting on June 16, 2000. This annual award recognizes overall outstanding volunteerism to the club and its endeavors, and is presented at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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5-Star Service Awards

These awards are given for five or more years of extraordinary contribution to the betterment of AAF-Louisville and its ideals. These can be given to more than one person each year and are presented at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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President’s Star Award

Awarded at the President’s discretion, this award is granted to a member of the current Executive Committee who has gone above and beyond in achieving their committee’s goals, and bettering the organization because of it. This annual award is presented at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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Partnership Award

Introduced for the first time in 2001, this award recognizes an outstanding company that has demonstrated continual support of AAF-Louisville, either through cash sponsorship or in-kind donations over several years. This annual award is presented at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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Life Membership

Life membership is conferred by the Board of Directors to recognize those persons over age 62 who have rendered outstanding service to the club for ten years or longer. They are typically announced at our Annual Awards Evening & Membership Meeting.

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