

#AAFLovesLou I Public Service Program

As the uncertainty of our future in public space continues to change, we know that our local restaurant community has been hit hard. To show our support, the Public Service Committee is launching a new monthly initiative that will encourage our members to support local restaurants that have been devastated by the pandemic.

We are asking members to participate by getting takeout from a chosen local restaurant and then posting a photo, positive brief review, and use our designated hashtag, #AAFLOVESLOU to whatever social media channels they use. That way, each month one local restaurant will experience a flurry of social media attention sparking some extra business and love at once. Watch AAF’s Facebook page and newsletters for schedules and chosen restaurant announcements. It’s easy, fun, and supports our local community!

All you have to do is…..

1. Order takeout or delivery from the selected restaurant during the designated week (will be announced on AAF social media monthly)
2. Include extras like to-go drinks, to-go desserts, or a gift card for the next visit!
3. Tip generously where you can
4. Take photos before you eat
5. Post your positive comments with photos on all social media channels you use and make sure to use the hashtag – #AAFLovesLou

Featured Restaurant Schedule

April – Bourbon’s Bistro