March Update I Your club. Your news.

March Update I Your club. Your news.

March Update I Your club. Your news.

Mar 15, 2021


Dear AAF-Louisville Members & Friends,

It’s a week later, and we are still celebrating all of our American Advertising Awards winners! While hosting the event virtually this year wasn’t our first choice (or 37th, for that matter…), we are so proud of what our committee volunteers accomplished to make it a special event.

A huge thank you also goes out to our production partner, Media Pros Productions! Brelin Tilford and his team made sure that we looked like we knew what we were doing and made it possible to virtually celebrate this year’s competition. You can check them out at

If you missed the event, don’t fret, you can find a link to the event recording and the list of winners in this newsletter.

We are so proud of all of the work submitted this year and can’t wait to see how our winners do in the district competition!

Warm regards,

Allison Deely
AAF-Louisville I Executive Director

We are excited to welcome Jacob Brown as our new VP of Education! Jacob is an Account Executive at Waystar and holds an MBA from Bellarmine University.

Jacob Brown has been a member since 2018 and served as a member of the Education Committee. But what you may not know about Jacob is that he wanted to serve as the VP of Education because, as a Bud Ballard Scholarship award recipient, he has experienced firsthand what our programs can offer young professionals!

Diversity & Inclusion Committee Honors Black History Month

In Case You Missed It: In February, to honor Black History Month, we wanted to not just focus on how far Black Americans have come but also on how much more work there is to do – particularly in the advertising industry. 

You can find this important information on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Be sure to follow us on social media to get updates and see our upcoming posts celebrating Women’s History Month.

2021 American Advertising Awards

On March 4, the American Advertising Awards Committee held the first-ever virtual awards presentation!

In case you missed it or just really want to hear Brian’s jokes one more time, you can view the recording and see the list of this year’s winners on our website with the link below.


Leadership Roundtable Recap:
Is Beauty in the Eye of the Algorithm?

Did you know? We offer specific programming just for our corporate-level leadership members. We want to thank R. J. Talyor, CEO and Founder of Pattern89, for presenting to our corporate member leadership group this morning!

Want to join us for the next leadership event? Ask us about our corporate-level memberships.


American Advertising Awards:
Fifth District Competition

You won an ADDY! Now what? Gold award winners will automatically advance to the district competition held in early April.

If you won a Silver Award, there is still time to forward your award to the district competition for a fee. Contact by Monday at 10 AM to have your work judged at the district level.


April Speaker Program:
Save the Date for April 7, 2021

March may not have the same madness this year, but it’s still one of the most significant events in sports marketing!

We are excited to have sports marketing guru Adam Martin join us for a virtual event on April 7th. Adam is Principal at T/A Martin Studio and host of the podcast, Makers of Sport®. Stay tuned for more details!

Spring Day at the Downs:
Save the Date for April 28, 2021

You read that right! While it won’t look like past years, we are working on bringing you all the fun of Spring Day at the Downs on the Wednesday of Derby Week.

The details are to be determined, so keep an eye on your email and our social channels for the most up-to-date information.