Why Enter the American Advertising Awards?
Dec 2, 2020
Welcome to the 2021 American Advertising Awards season! It seems like just yesterday we were handing out Best in Show at The Palace, but just like that, we are back. I guess that’s what happens in a year where time moves super-fast and super slow simultaneously. I’ve been a part of this committee since joining Louisville’s AAF chapter in 2017 and continue my involvement because I love the torture…just kidding…I love watching great work be amplified in our community and beyond. So often, advertising and marketing can get the blame when business doesn’t go right and none of the credit when business is killer, so it is fun to see the hard work get its due spotlight. Even so, after what was probably the most exhausting year yet, you may be asking, why in the world would we take the time to enter the 2021 American Advertising Awards?
2020 was the type of year that forced us all to think differently, work differently, and live differently. We found ourselves alone, yet together. We were encouraged to think of others before ourselves, look at the world through others’ eyes, and challenged to open ourselves up to reflect. Those changes we all felt personally affected brands too. It changed the way they approached advertising and positioned themselves in the marketplace. It became a year where brands truly questioned who they were, their purpose, and many found their authentic voice. This year’s work produced by the agencies and teams across Louisville is poised to bring us one of the best and most challenging American Advertising Awards ever.
Still not enough motivation to enter?
Here are my top 3 reasons for entering this year (and every year):
Reason #1: Your team (AND YOU) need a win…
You need a success story from this crazy year! Think of all the campaigns that started, then stalled, then totally derailed. It was a year filled with many disappointments for all of us, and the Advertising Awards are a great opportunity to truly award and recognize the team for the strong work that made it through. I must say one of the most rewarding things during the gala is watching the groups congratulate each other…high fives, hugs, cheers. Who doesn’t need that feeling right now?
Reason #2: Friendly competition never hurt anybody.
I know all of our Louisville agencies love each other, but c’mon, who doesn’t strive to be the best in the city? The American Advertising Awards allow you to see how your work compares to the other agencies…how you measure up. So, flex that competitive muscle!
Reason #3: It’s an advertising platform in itself!
We all spend a great deal of time trying to generate awareness and leads for our business. Awards are a solid reference….an outside cheerleader for your brand. And for clients in the market for a new agency, the winners’ list of the American Advertising Awards is a great place to start. Word of mouth, web listings and press coverage can all combine to allow a solid win in 2021 and sell you to potential clients.
We just opened the entry portal on December 1st and have already begun the planning for judging and the awards gala. As you can imagine, it will look a little different. Judging will be virtual, meaning no physical entries (can we get a Hallelujah for not having to print and tape all of those labels onto each entry!!!???), and so will the gala. While it may be different, we promise we are working to create the same fun and comradery, even through the computer screen.
So what are you waiting for? Enter now at AAFLouisville.org/addys/addys-enter
Cheers to an outstanding 2021 American Advertising Awards!
– Emily Tucker, 2020-2021 VP, American Advertising Awards