

Event Location:Churchill Downs Racetrack - Millionaires Row

UPDATED – 8/24/20

Churchill Downs recently announced the cancellation of all Kentucky Derby Week events. This includes AAF-Louisville’s Day at the Downs. If you have previously purchased tickets, we will be contacting you directly regarding your purchase. We are disappointed we won’t be able to celebrate Derby Week in person this year, but hope to see you in May of 2021!

AAF-Louisville has once again reserved Millionaires Row 4 for the Wednesday before the Kentucky Derby, which will be September 2nd, 2020.

AAF-Louisville’s Day at the Downs is one of the top events of the year, providing an opportunity to socialize with key contacts on Millionaires Row of Churchill Downs during Derby Week!

Your ticket to the event includes entry to Churchill Downs and Millionaires Row, lunch, and a racing program. We will also be offering our second chance drawing, “Win for Losin,’” with a chance to win great prizes after each race.

While we are ready to celebrate Derby Week in person, we also want to do so safely. Tickets will be limited to ensure social distancing guidelines are followed. We will also be following all measures put in place by Churchill Downs, including requiring attendees to wear a mask.

You can view the current safety procedures on the official Kentucky Derby website: KentuckyDerby.com

If you have any questions, please contact SocialEvents@AAFLouisville.org or Allison@AAFLouisville.org.

We hope to see you on September 2nd!

Thank You to Our Sponsors!


Premier Sponsor


Grand Door Prize Sponsor